Friday, March 13, 2009

Water Storage

Water is essential to life. While we can survive weeks without food, survival without water is measured in a few short days. It is essential that each home in our area has a two week supply of water. It is recommended that we store 1 gallon of water per person per day. That would be 14 gallons of water per person for a two week period.
There are many ways to store water. Some people prefer the large 55-gallon drums. Some people purchase bottled water in the store. When considering how to store your water make sure it is easily accessible for each member of your household. The larger containers are very difficult to move, fill, drain, and rinse. For a household of weightlifters this is not a problem, but for an elderly person living alone a large container would be difficult to manage. Carefully consider what would work best for your in your specific situation.

Amount of water for household size:
1 person needs 14 gallons
2 persons need 28 gallons
3 persons need 42 gallons
4 persons need 56 gallons
5 persons need 70 gallons
6 persons need 84 gallons
7 persons need 98 gallons

Please remember to plan for your pets!


  1. I heard that a friend of mine has a parent who does not have water storage because they said they have a pool and that in case of an emergency they can use that. Is that correct?

  2. Here are the instructions and suggestions from the Utah State Extension.

  3. hey mom. i love the blog! i am inspired to get some more water storage. right now we have about 2 gallons...but i'm thinking we could up it a little :)
