Saturday, April 11, 2009


National, State and local officials have instructed us to prepare a 72 hour kit that will sustain us through an emergency either natural, man made, or economic. We need to be self reliant for at least 72 hours and preferable longer. Being prepared in this way will give us a sense of security, peace and comfort.

The kits should be personalized to your family's needs. At a minimum the kits should include:

Prescription Medicine
Change of Clothes
Copies of Important Documents
Important Contact Information
Anything you cannot live without
for 72 hours.

For a more complete list of items to include see list to the right. These sites have suggested items that may or may not apply to you. Read through them and consider what you will need for your family.

There are several places where you can purchase 72 hour kits already put together. If this interest you, you can google and choose the right kit for your family and your budget.

Your items should be stored in a portable backpack or bag with wheels and placed in an accessible location in your home.

Upcoming CERT Class

There is a new CERT class being offered beginning on Saturday May 2, 2009. It will begin at 8:00 am and end at 5:00 pm. The class will continue the next Saturday May 9th at the same time and will conclude the following Saturday May 16th with the final practice exercise from 8:00-1:00 pm. We are very lucky to have another CERT class in our neighborhood. It will be held at the LDS church on Top of the World Drive. Sign up now!! Click the link on the right labeled CERT or go to

If you need to make up classes or would like a review you are welcome to attend.

Lets fill this class up!!!